Thursday 3 December 2015

Shopping and Customer Service

Hello everyone!

This week we've been learning about ads and returning something to a store.


Practice the vocabulary here.

What if the customer is angry and not friendly and polite like you? Watch this video for advice. 
Use the comment box to tell me what you should do.

Find a bonus video about how to respond to people calmly here.

Here's another easy example. What do you think store credit is?


Modals for polite requests
Practice modals for polite requests


Modals for advice

More modals for advice.

Listening to Ads

Review pots and pans here.

Listen to this ad

Sunday 15 November 2015

More Telephone Practice for Homework

Hello Students! 

I know some of you want to practice more at home.

Here are come telephone activities.

Phone phrases



Can I take a message?

Business Telephone Messages

Friendly Messages

Leave a comment about which messages are formal and informal.

Friday 6 November 2015

Family and Telephone

We have been learning about telephone and family.


Practice some phrases for the telephone here.

Listen and read a conversation where a person takes a message here.

Listen and read a conversation about Voicemail ( Answering Machine) here.

A song about taking a message is here.

Try this lesson and quiz.

There are new phrases in this video.


Try a quiz about family here.
Try another here.

There are many more activities for family here.


This week we started learning about modals.

More about modals: click here.
Read and practice using modals here.

Focus on could, can, may, might: click here.
Continue to the exercises here.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Elections and Questions

Hello Everyone!

We've been learning about elections.

You can look at the results and ridings we looked at here.

Here's a difficult listening about the surprising election results. Click here.

Here is a video with both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau. Click here.

Practice Spelling here.

Elections 1
Elections 2

How to vote?


Review Comparative Adjectives here.


When do I use "do"?

Learn about "do"

Learn about yes/no questions.
Yes/no questions1
Yes/No questions 2

Thursday 15 October 2015

Federal Elections

Hello everyone!

We've been learning about the government and federal elections!

Here is a study guide for citizenship about Elections. Elections1 , Elections 2

How to vote

We started this video in class. It describes the elections process. If you find ASL ( sign language) distracting, skip it. Click here.

There are many videos about how to vote here.

Political Parties

This website helps you to decide which party you agree with the most. Click on the candidates face. Then scroll down. You may have to translate or google some ideas, the reading is difficult.

This website has a quiz to help you to decide which party you agree with most.

Click on Launch Vote Compass.
Click on Participate in CBC news

Click Start, then enter your postal code.

Political party websites 

Here are links to each party's website with their plan for Canada.

For more videos

Thursday 24 September 2015

Canada's regions and provinces

Good afternoon class!

This week we have been learning about the geography of Canada.

Here is a nice map for you to study:

Here's a map with the regions from Discover Canada.

Geography Practice

Study provinces and territories here.

Take a test about provinces here.

Study the capitals above. Notice they are marked with an o on the first map.

Take a quiz about capitals here.

Try a puzzle of Canada. Put the pieces in the right places. Click here.


Study about the regions of Canada at
Here is the link for regions: Regions 1
                                             Regions 2


Take a quiz on comparatives here. 
Review with a video and practice comparatives here.

Fast finishers

Watch this song. Leave a comment telling me about the comparative adjective that is used.
Click here.

Minimize this window. Click on "My Canada".
Enter your first name. Click on Regions. Choose Beginner.

Friday 18 September 2015

Computers, Dictionaries, and Introductions


This is the iPAD video from yesterday. Let's use it to turn off "Autoplay" You can also use it to review and listen again. Click here


if you want to learn more about iPADs you can visit this website and select a video. Click here.


Practice spelling iPAD words here.

New to computers?

If you are new to using a computer mouse, you can practice and learn here.

You can learn more about using the internet  with google chrome here.

If you liked that, you can learn more here.


My favourite dictionary for learning English is Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary.

Task: Choose 5 words from yesterdays class.
Search for them in this online dictionary. 
Write the best definition (choose from 1,2,3 etc) and write the part of speech.
Post this as a comment. Sign your name.

Task: if you haven't written an introduction, see last weeks blog for an example and instructions. Your teacher will save your work to a USB.

If you did complete this, I have feedback for you.

Friday 11 September 2015

Welcome Back to School-Introductions

Hello Class!
Welcome back!

This week we have been learning about introductions.


Listen to people introducing themselves and their friends. They spell their names.
Click here

This is the "Meeting a Neighbour" video, listen and fill in the blanks.
What topics do they speak about? Are they polite or impolite, and why?

Watch and listen to this video. Why is everyone so excited to meet this man?
Click here

Watch and listen. Who is the new person? What does Rachel say to introduce her?
Click here

Extra Challenge
This one is more difficult.
Listen and read about two people who talk to each other after a long time. 
Do they say "Nice to meet you"?
Click here

Computer Skills

Type an introduction for yourself.
Use Microsoft Word
Image result for microsoft word

My name is Jocelyn and I'm from Niagara Falls. I live in Windsor with my husband. I like to read, hike, and garden.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Get ready for summer!

What can we do in the summer?

We Volunteer is a website that connects you with volunteering opportunities. 
Volunteering is a great way to practice English.

The form to write in is difficult. It will take you some time to read and translate, but you will get some great opportunities from there. 
You will need an email address to use the website. 

The Library

Which library is close to you? Find them here.
How can I get a library card? Read about it here.
What activities are at the library this summer?
Read about them here.

What can I do at the YMCA during the summer?

Read about adult programs here.
Read the whole schedule here. Or find a paper copy upstairs.

What's happening in Windsor during the summer?
Read about June, July and August here.

Fireworks night is June 22, and they begin at 10:08pm. Get there early!

What are you going to do this summer?
I think I'll..... 

Friday 5 June 2015

Crime and Safety 2

Hello class! Welcome to Computer lab!

Practice Spelling vocabulary from this week here.

Listen to someone report their bike stolen here.

Listen to someone calling 911 here.

Listen to someone reporting a break-in here.

Listen to someone getting a ticket here.

Grammar practice will and going to here.

Explore and read the Windsor Police website here.

Read about Police in Canada here

Learn about emergencies and non-emergencies. What should you do if you need help. Read and practice here.

This week we read about Crime stoppers and the RIDE program.
"The local police force also runs special programs like R.I.D.E and Crime Stoppers. The R.I.D.E program tries to reduce drinking and driving. Crime Stoppers helps citizens fight against crime." (from Ontario Reader Police in Ontario, 2012)

Read about Crime Stoppers here.

Read about the RIDE program. This story is more difficult. Click here.
A video about RIDE is here.

Friday 29 May 2015

Crime Law Safety

Hi Class!

This week we've been studying crime and safety this week.

Practice spelling here.

Reading and activities are here.

Rob or Steal?
Quiz 1
Quiz 2

Listening and questions are here.

Review videos about home safety
Top 10 tips with pictures and words : here
Top 10 tips with man speaking: here.

Listen about home security

More reading about a foolish thief is here
These activities are more difficult
Law activities: One

Play this game with 1 or 2 players ( work with a classmate or alone). Click here

More activities about will vs going to are here.

A poem

Sentence Scramble
Fill in the blank

A song

Friday 22 May 2015

Future tense

Hi students!

Today we will practice the future tenses.

Watch this video here

Go here. If you want to quit playing a game, click "Games Menu". Try the Questions games and Grammar games.

Try this quiz here.

If you finish this, get ready for next week with:
Police and Crime

Or review previous weeks. Check out "gonna" or health words.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Victoria Day and Invitations

Victoria Day Party

Today we are working on invitations
This week we've been talking about Victoria Day and parties

Here is a video about an invitation to a party. What questions do they ask? What is on the invitation?

This one is HARD if you want a challenge: Here

There are some more words for inviting people to a party here.

Practice question words for parties here 

Read about a celebration in windsor this weekend here.


Listen to a new video about "Gonna":here

Review the one from this week: here

A Confederation game is here.

Practice grammar for questions here.
Practice grammar for be and do in questions here.

Learn about future tense here.

Friday 8 May 2015

Hello students!
If you are studying at home today please look at the last two week's blog posts (below) and do activities you haven't done.

Secondly, you can look at Canada's Food Guide in your language.

For more healthy eating practice look at Teacher Jen's blog.

Have a great day!

Thursday 30 April 2015

Prescription and Pharmacy

This week we learned about prescriptions

Here is a quiz to practice reading prescription labels.

A second quiz is here.

The quiz about side effects is difficult, look up the word "swelling", "hives" and "emphysema" before taking it. Do you want a challenge? It's here.


In this game you go to a pharmacy and fill out a form. Drag and drop the words onto the form.

In this game you must read the chart to know how many pills to put on the tray.

Listen and Read

Watch a video about the pharmacy and fill in the blanks here.

What should you say when you call the pharmacy?
Practice here.

More practice reading labels is here.

Here is an easy reading with listening.


Questions about family at the doctors are here.

As usual, you can look at blogs from last week. Or practice questions about Canada at

Thursday 23 April 2015

Health and Questions

Body Parts

Listen to the parts of the body by moving your mouse over each part here.

You might also want to learn about medicine here.


Body parts spelling quiz .

Symptoms and illness spelling quiz.

More about symptoms

Video: Symptoms

Video: Symptoms Phrases

Video: Symptoms Phrases 2

People at the Doctor's Office

 Here is a video of an injured/hurt person at the doctor with a fill in the blank activity.

You can watch a similar video here about someone at a clinic.

A third video shows new patient information. You can find it here. This is the most difficult activity and video.

Useful Phrases

Here are phrases you might use at the doctor's 
in English and

Telehealth Ontario

Learn more about telehealth ontario here

Medical Forms practice

Answer questions about this medical form.This link has a medical form to practice with. Find it here.

Learn about family here.

Take a quiz about family members here.


If you weren't here on Monday, take a good look at this chart. Ask your neighbour to see their notes.

Quizzes about Wh questions

Question Words (Multiple Choice)

Question Words (Type in Word)

Questions with Do

When do you use do? Learn here.

Friday 27 March 2015


Welcome to the Computer lab!

We have been learning about jobs.

Here are some people describing their jobs. Listen here.

Here are some activities about job ads. Start listening here.

Classified ads

We have been reading classified ads.
Here is an activity to practice.

Here is another activity about classified ads.

My favourite activity for today is a story game about job ads. Find it here.

Look at job ads on Kijiji and Indeed. Try reading the ads.

Job applications

Classified ads and a job application. Try it here.

 Another story game about job applications is here.

Here is a challenging reading with a quiz about job applications.

We have been talking about ways to find a job. Here are some conversations about that.


Practice spelling here.

Here is some more practice at Teacher Stephanie's blog.

Friday 27 February 2015


Hello Students!

We have been learning about banking.

Practice using an ATM
Here is a video lesson on using ATMs

Here is one online practice ATM. The PIN number is 1234 (shhh its a secret!)

Using a debit machine is almost the same as using an ATM. Practice here. The PIN is also 1234.
Is that a good PIN, or is it obvious?

Practice your spelling here.

Listening Practice

Some conversations about reporting wrong charges are here. How are they different? How are they the same?

Here are some conversations about opening an account. How are they different? How are they the same?

Here are many conversations at a bank. Listen to them and practice some conversations.

Real banks

TD's newcomer package is here. There are different topics to learn about here.
RBC has tutorials in different languages here.
BMO banking for Newcomers is here.

WFCU (Windsor Family Credit Union)
has their website here.

Banks versus Credit Unions

One easier article explains the difference here.
A more difficult article about banks and credit unions is here.

Canadian Money
See this fun video about Canadian history and Canadian money.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Black History Month

Hello Students!

If you are in the computer lab today, please look at this website with listening and reading about Black History: here

Look at the "Pre-Intermediate" lessons

Windsor has many historical sites.
Choose one from this website and write 5 sentences inviting someone to come. Tell them what it is, and why they should come.

Watch these two videos.
This one is about a black baseball player.
This one is about the underground railroad.
How do you think the people in these videos felt?
Write about it in your journal.

Complete a crossword here.
Read more about Black History Month here.

Can you tell me why we have a special month for black history in Canada?

Other Websites

When you are finished reading and listening and writing the things above, you can:

Practice Canadian History with these games.

Go to to practice lessons about Canada.

Look at Friday's websites. Practice Present perfect. 
Try the News website here. 

See you tomorrow!

Friday 6 February 2015

Feelings and Present Perfect

Grammar Practice

Read about present perfect here. When do you

use it?

Practice the present perfect with activities here.

Scroll to the bottom.

Play a game to practice present perfect and past simple.

Here is a quiz. You must use present perfect or past simple.


Practice your spelling here.

Play some games to practice feelings vocabulary here.
When you open the page, click on the word Feelings like the picture below:

After playing one game, you can go back and choose another.

Videos about Feelings

Learn more about different phrases to use to talk about your feelings here.

The next video is difficult, but interesting. It's about faces. Try it here.

Extra listening practice

Read and listen to news here.

Friday 30 January 2015

Canadian History

Canadian History

There are many videos about Aboriginals in Canada here.

The picture shows where you can click for more videos

Explore a website about First Nations in Ontario here.

Practice History facts
Citizenship Counts reading and listening quizzes about history can be found here.


Practice Spelling vocabulary from this week here.


Practice for, since and ago here.
The writer refers to using these words in this story. It has many new words, but notice how she uses time words to tell the story.

Practice using for and since here.