Sunday 8 February 2015

Black History Month

Hello Students!

If you are in the computer lab today, please look at this website with listening and reading about Black History: here

Look at the "Pre-Intermediate" lessons

Windsor has many historical sites.
Choose one from this website and write 5 sentences inviting someone to come. Tell them what it is, and why they should come.

Watch these two videos.
This one is about a black baseball player.
This one is about the underground railroad.
How do you think the people in these videos felt?
Write about it in your journal.

Complete a crossword here.
Read more about Black History Month here.

Can you tell me why we have a special month for black history in Canada?

Other Websites

When you are finished reading and listening and writing the things above, you can:

Practice Canadian History with these games.

Go to to practice lessons about Canada.

Look at Friday's websites. Practice Present perfect. 
Try the News website here. 

See you tomorrow!

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