Friday 18 September 2015

Computers, Dictionaries, and Introductions


This is the iPAD video from yesterday. Let's use it to turn off "Autoplay" You can also use it to review and listen again. Click here


if you want to learn more about iPADs you can visit this website and select a video. Click here.


Practice spelling iPAD words here.

New to computers?

If you are new to using a computer mouse, you can practice and learn here.

You can learn more about using the internet  with google chrome here.

If you liked that, you can learn more here.


My favourite dictionary for learning English is Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary.

Task: Choose 5 words from yesterdays class.
Search for them in this online dictionary. 
Write the best definition (choose from 1,2,3 etc) and write the part of speech.
Post this as a comment. Sign your name.

Task: if you haven't written an introduction, see last weeks blog for an example and instructions. Your teacher will save your work to a USB.

If you did complete this, I have feedback for you.


  1. Camera: takes pictures (noun)
    Apps: you want to open up an app, all do you take the pad on your finger, not nail, that’s important
    Icon: you going notice a whole bunch of icon or little boxes on the iPod
    Volume: might be too loud or too low
    Home button: but you finished do is press the home button down

    1. this is Sapko

    2. Thanks Sapko. These are sentences from the iPAD video and not definitions. Try looking the words up in the online dictionary.

  2. My name is Thaer Bakoos I am from Iraq and now I learn English her in YMCA my teacher her name is Jocelyn she teach as very well and all student be good with her

    1. Thank you for your introduction Thaer!
      Don't forget to put a period at the end of your sentences.

  3. Camera: takes a picture
    Volume: for the sound like press over half of button to high sound or down half of button to slow sound.
    Icon : computers : a small picture on a computer screen tharepresents a program or function
    Home button: when we press this button we return back to the home page.
    Dock connector: for charching ipad

    Siliwa Dankha

    1. Thanks Siliwa!
      Good definitions and following instructions!

      tharepresents should be "that represents".
      charching is spelled charging.

  4. My name is Basma
    headphone, ' n '
    a device that is worn over your ears and used for listening to music the raido
    without having other people hear it .

    icon 'n'

    1. Thanks Basma!
      Good first definition. Nice job including the part of speech. 'n' for noun.
      Keep practicing looking up definitions and copying and pasting!

  5. Fatima
    Adapter is noun
    Learner's definition of ADAPTER
    : a device that is used to connect two pieces of equipment that were not designed to be connected
    Charge is noun
    a : an amount of electricity
    an electrical charge
    b : the amount of an explosive material (such as dynamite) that is used in a single blast
    He set off a charge that destroyed the mountain.
    charge is verb
    : to give an amount of electricity to (something) : to put electricity into a battery so that a machine or device will run
    [+ object]
    charge a car's battery
    My cell phone needs to be charged. = The battery in my cell phone needs to be charged.

    1. Hi Fatima!
      Nice work! You included the part of speech (noun) and copied and pasted the definitions successfully!
      Keep up the good work!

  6. Loud
    making or causing a lot of noise : strong and noticeable in sound
    ad a small, usually round piece of plastic, glass, metal, etc., that is sewn to a piece of clothing and is pushed through a loop or hole to fasten one part of the clothing to another partjective
    a [noncount] : newspapers, magazines, and radio and television news reports
    [noncount] : the amount of sound that is produced by a television, radio, stereo, etc.
     The volume is too loud.
     Can you turn the volume up/down?
     playing music at full/top/high/low volume
     This knob controls volume
    a solid yellow substance made from milk or cream that is spread on food or used in cooking
    a formal and usually written request for something (such as a job, admission to a school, a loan, etc.)


    1. Thanks Jalela!
      Mostly good work with copying and pasting the definitions. Don't forget to include the word you are writing about. Like "button" for the second line.
      "Butter" wasn't a vocabulary word from last week.
      the spelling is "application" not "opplication"
      Good work including parts of speech ( noun) most of the time.

    2. Thanks Jalela!
      Mostly good work with copying and pasting the definitions. Don't forget to include the word you are writing about. Like "button" for the second line.
      "Butter" wasn't a vocabulary word from last week.
      the spelling is "application" not "opplication"
      Good work including parts of speech ( noun) most of the time.
