Thursday 30 April 2015

Prescription and Pharmacy

This week we learned about prescriptions

Here is a quiz to practice reading prescription labels.

A second quiz is here.

The quiz about side effects is difficult, look up the word "swelling", "hives" and "emphysema" before taking it. Do you want a challenge? It's here.


In this game you go to a pharmacy and fill out a form. Drag and drop the words onto the form.

In this game you must read the chart to know how many pills to put on the tray.

Listen and Read

Watch a video about the pharmacy and fill in the blanks here.

What should you say when you call the pharmacy?
Practice here.

More practice reading labels is here.

Here is an easy reading with listening.


Questions about family at the doctors are here.

As usual, you can look at blogs from last week. Or practice questions about Canada at

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