Friday 11 September 2015

Welcome Back to School-Introductions

Hello Class!
Welcome back!

This week we have been learning about introductions.


Listen to people introducing themselves and their friends. They spell their names.
Click here

This is the "Meeting a Neighbour" video, listen and fill in the blanks.
What topics do they speak about? Are they polite or impolite, and why?

Watch and listen to this video. Why is everyone so excited to meet this man?
Click here

Watch and listen. Who is the new person? What does Rachel say to introduce her?
Click here

Extra Challenge
This one is more difficult.
Listen and read about two people who talk to each other after a long time. 
Do they say "Nice to meet you"?
Click here

Computer Skills

Type an introduction for yourself.
Use Microsoft Word
Image result for microsoft word

My name is Jocelyn and I'm from Niagara Falls. I live in Windsor with my husband. I like to read, hike, and garden.


  1. Volume.
    the amount of sound that is produced by a television, radio, stereo, etc.



    a device that is worn over your ears and used for listening to music, the radio, etc., without having other people hear it



    a system for connecting a computer to another device (such as a printer, keyboard, or mouse) by using a special kind of cord.



    a device that is used to connect two pieces of equipment that were not designed to be connected



    a device used for lifting something heavy (such as a car)


    My name : Saad Mosleh

    1. Great work Saad!
      I can see that you are good at looking things up in the dictionary, and at copying and pasting! Good work including the part of speech (noun).
      Next time, post on the current blog instead of the blog from the previous week.
      This week you are welcome to comment from home if you like.
