Friday 12 December 2014

Work and Home Safety

Hello everyone!
This is our last Friday in Computer lab!
Use it wisely

We have been looking at the hazards on this website
Click on "construction", "Health Care" or "Mining" for more activities.

Reading about Safety

Read more about bleach here.

Read about your Health and Safety rights as a worker here.

Some of you can read about construction safety in your first language. Click here. Scroll down to this section:

In Canada, you can get "compensation" if you are hurt at work. You can either have some of your pay, or a change in activity at work that you can do with your injury.
You can read about how to claim  ( ask for ) your compensation here.


Practice spelling here.


Listen and read about a way to protect yourself from germs here.

Friday 5 December 2014

Healthy Living and Phones

Hello Everyone!

Practice with Phones

If you want to learn more about leaving a message, watch this video.
What do you notice about Mrs Ming's message? What do you notice about Ms Ran's message and what Anthony writes?

This is a more modern example of many types of messages on the answering machine. Which ones are formal? Which are informal? Can you call the receptionist "babe" or "dear"?
Watch the video here.

Even more information about telephones can be found here. This is a long video.

Teacher Lucy's blog also has more information about using the telephone.
Visit it here.

Healthy Living

Healthy Eating
Read about Canada's food guide here.
Click on the "Quick Links" for more information.

Exercising and Being Active

The YMCA has many activities people can do for exercise.
Look at the schedule here.

What types of exercise do they offer?
Which ones would you be most interested in?

Studying at home

I have found some great resources you can use at home ( especially over winter break)

Duolingo has lessons in many languages.

Talk with people in English on Skype through My Language Exchange. Why would it be helpful? you can have an online dictionary open at the same time! I do recommend talking to your neighbours as well.

Hear many words and phrases pronounced her at

Check your written work here at lang 8

Thanks to Benny Lewis for the ideas!

Friday 28 November 2014

Health Continued

Medical Forms practice

Answer questions about this medical form.This link has a medical form to practice with. Find it here.

Learn about family here.

Take a quiz about family members here.

Read about health

Talking with your doctor. Read it here.
Health for kids. Read it here
Last week's blog below has many good activities.
Including spelling activities for health. Scroll down.

You can also look at 

Teacher Jen is also discussing health. See her page here.
Teacher Lucy's page about health here.
Teacher Kelly has many activities about health here.

You looked at teacher Stephanie's blog last week. Here is her page about symptoms.

Thursday 20 November 2014


This week we talked about health.

Body Parts

Listen to the parts of the body by moving your mouse over each part here.

You can review the parts of your face here.

You might also want to learn about medicine here.


Body parts spelling quiz .

Symptoms and illness spelling quiz.

All the quizzes.

Cold and Flu (Influenza)

Remember the difference between cold and flu by reading this and taking a quiz.

People at the Doctor's Office

 Here is a video of an injured/hurt person at the doctor with a fill in the blank activity.

You can watch a similar video here about someone at a clinic.

A third video shows new patient information. You can find it here. This is the most difficult activity and video.

Useful Phrases

Here are phrases you might use at the doctor's 
in English and

Telehealth Ontario

Learn more about telehealth ontario here


Here is a chart with prepositions for places.

Practice place prepositions here.
Scroll down till you see this part:

Click on the exercises that say Place.

Friday 14 November 2014


Finding a Place

Go to Kijiji Windsor
Then scroll down to the ads.

Click on a house, apartment or other rental
Use the dictionary below

Do any of these places seem good for you?
Which ones?
Write them down and we will discuss them.

Practice Spelling for types of houses here.

Who shovels the snow?
Review who is responsible for tasks at a rental place here.

Would you mind taking a look at my stove?
Here is a booklet about repairs at a rental place. What are your rights?


the listening about Mrs Stepankova here

Here is a new listening activity about renting an apartment.

Moving Out

Read more about terminating your tenancy legally here.
Here is a copy of the form you can give to your landlord if you are moving out.
Remember you must give the landlord 60 days notice, more if you are sending the form by mail.

Word Document
Practice writing an email to your friend reminding them about how to use the form (giving notice) and what they should include.

Friday 31 October 2014

Neighbours and Neighbourhoods

Hi class!

We've learned so many things about neighbours and neighbourhoods!

Practice spelling words from around the neighbourhood here.

Neighbourhood Watch

You can learn more about Windsor's neighbourhood watch program at this website.

If you want to practice the activities we did this week again, here are is one activity online (newsletter)
Here are more.

Show me your neighbourhood.
-go to
-type in your address in the small white box at the top left corner.
-zoom in or out to show the area
-press ctrl at the same time press prt scrn
-open a word document
-right click and paste
- print it
-label this with your name and the important places in your neighbourhood ( bakery, post office, corner store, laundromat)

Noisy Neighbours

There are many activities about Noisy Neighbours on this website: Breaking News English.
You can listen many times if you like, or read and complete activities.
Practice articles with noisy neighbours reading here.


Interested in elections? 
Read the Windsor Star for more information.
You can also check the city windsor website here.


Read about Hallowe'en for newcomers here.
Here are some safety tips

You can also look at the websites from other days below.

(like )

Happy Hallowe'en

Sunday 19 October 2014

Neither and Either

Dwight asked about neither and either in class on Friday
For you eager students, here is a website where you can practice using these

See you tomorrow afternoon!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Government and Future Simple

Happy Friday Class!

Today, you can review grammar or government.


You can review and practice the simple future tense here
Scroll to the bottom of the page for practice activities. It checks your answers and gives you hints

You can also review the past continuous tense here

This game practices "going to". It's fun and silly with soccer.  

You do not need to finish all the grammar activities before moving on to government. You choose what you want to practice.


Please find your ward here
Look at this website to find out who your city councillor is now. 

Type an email to the city councillor, using their name. Consider sending it to their email.

Explore the mayor and city council website here.

We read from the windsor star this week. Click here for more information on candidates

A concerned citizen hotline is found here.

Remember you can work on the citizenship counts quizzes posted last week.
Look below :)

Friday 10 October 2014

Municipal Elections

Watch this
Video on how to find Election information on the web

or go to this link about the candidates for mayor.

Find your ward on this map.

Look at who is running for city councillor in your ward here.

Review the Levels of Government here.
Review information about Canadian elections here.

Practice spelling vocabulary from this week here .

You can also use the computer to create a word document and write a letter to the mayor or a city councillor.