Friday 5 December 2014

Healthy Living and Phones

Hello Everyone!

Practice with Phones

If you want to learn more about leaving a message, watch this video.
What do you notice about Mrs Ming's message? What do you notice about Ms Ran's message and what Anthony writes?

This is a more modern example of many types of messages on the answering machine. Which ones are formal? Which are informal? Can you call the receptionist "babe" or "dear"?
Watch the video here.

Even more information about telephones can be found here. This is a long video.

Teacher Lucy's blog also has more information about using the telephone.
Visit it here.

Healthy Living

Healthy Eating
Read about Canada's food guide here.
Click on the "Quick Links" for more information.

Exercising and Being Active

The YMCA has many activities people can do for exercise.
Look at the schedule here.

What types of exercise do they offer?
Which ones would you be most interested in?

Studying at home

I have found some great resources you can use at home ( especially over winter break)

Duolingo has lessons in many languages.

Talk with people in English on Skype through My Language Exchange. Why would it be helpful? you can have an online dictionary open at the same time! I do recommend talking to your neighbours as well.

Hear many words and phrases pronounced her at

Check your written work here at lang 8

Thanks to Benny Lewis for the ideas!

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