Friday 14 November 2014


Finding a Place

Go to Kijiji Windsor
Then scroll down to the ads.

Click on a house, apartment or other rental
Use the dictionary below

Do any of these places seem good for you?
Which ones?
Write them down and we will discuss them.

Practice Spelling for types of houses here.

Who shovels the snow?
Review who is responsible for tasks at a rental place here.

Would you mind taking a look at my stove?
Here is a booklet about repairs at a rental place. What are your rights?


the listening about Mrs Stepankova here

Here is a new listening activity about renting an apartment.

Moving Out

Read more about terminating your tenancy legally here.
Here is a copy of the form you can give to your landlord if you are moving out.
Remember you must give the landlord 60 days notice, more if you are sending the form by mail.

Word Document
Practice writing an email to your friend reminding them about how to use the form (giving notice) and what they should include.

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