Thursday, 24 September 2015

Canada's regions and provinces

Good afternoon class!

This week we have been learning about the geography of Canada.

Here is a nice map for you to study:

Here's a map with the regions from Discover Canada.

Geography Practice

Study provinces and territories here.

Take a test about provinces here.

Study the capitals above. Notice they are marked with an o on the first map.

Take a quiz about capitals here.

Try a puzzle of Canada. Put the pieces in the right places. Click here.


Study about the regions of Canada at
Here is the link for regions: Regions 1
                                             Regions 2


Take a quiz on comparatives here. 
Review with a video and practice comparatives here.

Fast finishers

Watch this song. Leave a comment telling me about the comparative adjective that is used.
Click here.

Minimize this window. Click on "My Canada".
Enter your first name. Click on Regions. Choose Beginner.


  1. Dena ( largest , most ,like ,heard, nice, larger, whole, broad)
