Wednesday 12 October 2016

Canada's Regions and Government

Hello class!

For a few weeks we have been studying about Canada. There are many websites we can use to practice and review what we know about Canada, and to learn more.

Geography & Regions

Here is a nice map for you to study:

Here's a map with the regions from Discover Canada.

Geography Practice

Study provinces and territories here.

Take a test about provinces here.

Study the capitals above. Notice they are marked with an o on the first map.

Take a quiz about capitals here.

Try a puzzle of Canada. Put the pieces in the right places. Click here.


Study about the regions of Canada at
Here is the link for regions: Regions 1
                                             Regions 2

Government  & Elections
Here is a study guide for citizenship about Elections. Elections1 , Elections 2


How to vote?
This  describes the elections process. If you find ASL ( sign language) distracting, skip it. Click here.

There are many videos about how to vote here.

Political Parties

This website has a quiz to help you to decide which party you agree with most.

Click on Launch Vote Compass.
Click on Participate in CBC news

Click Start, then enter your postal code.

Levels of Government
This one has some new words that you can learn about from other websites: Federal Elections

Learn about "do"
Learn about yes/no questions.
Yes/no questions1
Yes/No questions 2

Extra practice:
Watch this song. Leave a comment telling me about the comparative adjective that is used.
Click here.

Here are links to each party's website with their plan for Canada.