Thursday 1 February 2018

Introductions Feb 2018

Listen to people introducing themselves and their friends. They spell their names.
Click here

This is the "Meeting a Neighbour" video, listen and fill in the blanks.
What topics do they speak about? Are they polite or impolite, and why?

Watch and listen to this video. Why is everyone so excited to meet this man?   Do they talk about where they are from? Do they talk about their jobs? 
Click here

Watch and listen. Who is the new person? What does Rachel say to introduce her?
Click here

Extra Challenge
This one is more difficult.
Listen and read about two people who talk to each other after a long time. 
Do they say "Nice to meet you"?

Small Talk
1. An example of small talk is here.

What taboo subject do they talk about when they meet someone in the third video?

What key words did you hear from this week?

2.Here  are some neighbours making small talk.

3. Here are two moms making small talk at the park. 

In video 2, what common Canadian topic do they discuss?

In video 3 what small talk topics do they two women discuss?

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Driving in Ontario

Hello class!

This week we are learning about driving in Ontario.

Government Websites about driving:

An online copy of the Driver's Handbook
use this to learn the rules of the road in Ontario

Information about Demerit Points
click to learn about 

More information about Driving
click here to explore different topics about driving

Vocabulary and Phrase practice

Instructions for driving - phrases

Words or Vocabulary about driving

Driving lesson Vocabulary


Driving Lesson Listening

How to get your license in Ontario
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

More Driving
Short reading about driving in Ontario

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Air travel


Here's the video from class on Wednesday

At the airport, on the plane, immigration

Conversation about booking a flight
click here.
also 2 other conversations that mean the same thing are there.

Open this page and click on Unit 7, then listen to the files. This is from Tuesday and Wednesday
click here

Here is a video about Mr Bean on an Airplane. There are also many vocabulary activities on this site. click here
Here are some more conversations. Listen to as many as you like. click here

 Polite Requests
Polite requests lesson
polite requests activities

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Crime, Law, Police, Safety

Don't be a victim - Reading

and Listening
click here
then go here (see picture)

then click on "Don't be a victim"

Explore and read the Windsor Police website here.
Listen and read this story here.

Rob or Steal?
Quiz 1
Quiz 2

Prepare for next week
Report a Crime

if that link doesn't work click here

click on "Officer I would like to Report a crime"

Listen to someone report their bike stolen here.



Modals for advice

Should and Shouldn't practice

Must and have to

Friday 20 October 2017

Practice Assessment - How to Vote

Happy Weekend Students!

Here is the link, you can work on the paper at home, and we will look and listen again one time on Monday.

What happens when I go to vote?

Thursday 28 September 2017

Canada's Regions and Comparatives and Superlatves

This week are learning about Canada's Regions.

Practice regions and provinces here.

Grammar is there too.

You can also go to


After that you can look at My Canada on your desktop. Ask your teacher which part.